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Feasibility study on a European Exchange Platform

The Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 aims to develop a high-performing digital education ecosystem in Europe. Among others, this includes the enhancement of available high-quality multilingual learning resources, interoperability and linking between existing education platforms, and a strengthened infrastructure for online learning resources. To achieve these objectives, the DEAP foresees the development of a European Digital Education Content Framework and a feasibility study for the introduction of a European Exchange Platform.

DG EAC commissioned PPMI to conduct this feasibility study to determine what potential platform options are most realistic and relevant, and provide most added value in the current digital education climate. Options can range between a completely new platform with its own resources, to a platform interlinking existing platforms across Europe without its own content, or not introducing a platform at all.  

PPMI mapped existing platforms and conducted stakeholder interviews and workshops to identify good and bad practices, as well as gaps in the current platform offer where a potential EU Exchange Platform couldprovide added value. Based on the data collection results, the team conducted a gap analysis, market impact analysis and SWOT analysis that pointed at Higher Education as education level of interest for further research. Based on additional research in HE, the research team developed two Platform Options. For each option, the tam weighed the costs and benefits, and developed an implementation plan.