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PPMI completed the Mid-term Evaluation of Lithuania’s investment into ’Smart Public Governance’

12 Jul 2019

PPMI completed the Mid-term Evaluation of Lithuania’s investment into ’Smart Public Governance’

PPMI completed the Mid-term Evaluation of Lithuania’s investment into ’Smart Public Governance’ priority axis under the 2014-2020 Operational Programme, which was launched by the Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania. The main objective of this evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency, as well as the efficiency of the administrative system of ESF investment aimed at improvement of public governance in Lithuania.

The evaluation applied a theory-based evaluation approach, combining qualitative (analysis of documents and other sources, interviews, four case studies) and quantitative (monitoring data analysis, surveys of project coordinators and participants) data analysis methods.

Over the course of the project, the evaluation team assessed the implementation of ’Smart Public Governance’ priority axis at the level of specific objectives, measures, and individual projects during 2014-2018. Combined with the analysis of recent trends in the field of public governance and good practice examples of public administration reforms in the other EU Member States, this assessment provided evidence to formulate recommendations for the 2021’2027 programming period. Evaluation results showed the need to address the shortcomings of the openness of public administration, lack of innovation in the public sector, the efficiency of the legislative process and the management of human resources.

The final report and executive summary can be accessed online: full text of the report, LT summary, EN summary.