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PPMI carried out a survey of Cedefop’s Management Board

30 Dec 2020

PPMI carried out a survey of Cedefop’s Management Board

At the end of December 2020, PPMI completed an assignment for European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) ’Key performance indicator for Cedefop Executive Director: quality of Cedefop’s consultation with its key stakeholders’.

As part of the Common Approach on EU decentralised agencies, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission endorsed the requirement to set up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Directors of EU decentralised agencies. KPIs for Cedefop’s Executive Director include a set of six quantitative and two qualitative KPIs, one of which is intended to measure the quality of Cedefop’s consultation with its key stakeholders. The KPIs for Cedefop’s Executive Director are an integral part of Cedefop’s performance measurement system (PMS), are included in the Agency’s Programming Document and presented in its annual activity reports.

This assignment involved the deployment and analysis of the 2020 survey on quality of Cedefop’s consultations with its key stakeholders. This survey was carried out to inform the value of the KPI for the Executive Director on Cedefop's consultation with its key stakeholders. To this end, members of Cedefop’s Management Board and their alternates were consulted, as this is the supervisory body of the Agency and represents its key stakeholders. The survey questionnaire covered three main themes: (a) perceived quality of the preparatory activities for stakeholder consultations; (b) perceived scope of stakeholder consultations; and (c) perceived effectiveness of stakeholder consultations. An additional ad hoc question on the impact of Covid-19 on Cedefop’s work was added for the 2020 survey.